Allurements of Sin

Sin, like a whisper, draws near to man’s heart,
Appears more sweet than the righteous path apart.
As rivers flow swiftly down to the sea,
Man drifts with the current, unmindful, unfree.

To climb up the hill, or resist the fierce tide,
Takes courage, resolve, with no ease to abide.
Yet Eden’s first choice, though reason was clear,
Chose the serpent’s sly lure over wisdom clear.

For the pull of the present, the joys of the now,
Leads one astray, to the curse they endow.
To listen to God means a struggle within,
For the world, the self, and the devil vie to win.

The farmer may rest, let his fields run to waste,
Or toil for the harvest with patience and haste.
Though ease calls out loud, the student of natural history,
Knows labour and sweat brings the true victory.

So, too, is the path where sin and good meet,
Though righteousness stands, sin’s allure is sweet.
Man, in his weakness, drifts with the flow,
While the righteous toil on, with the truth that has been bestowed.

For sin, like a glitter, is a gaudy delight,
Blinds the heart’s eye from what’s truly right.
But those who aspire to the nobler way,
Find peace in their hearts at the end of the day.

Yet many will follow the road that is wide,
On life’s eternal downward slide.
For the effortless path is easy to tread,
But leads to the darkness where all hope is dead.

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