God’s work was done

In six days, creation’s work was done,
By God’s own hand, beneath the sun.
From void and darkness, life did spring,
Heavens, earth, and every living thing.

In His image, man was made,
In Eden’s garden, gently laid.
A paradise of pure delight,
Where perfection shone, day and night.

The earth, prepared for humankind,
A place of beauty, so divinely designed.
Man and woman, first and best,
In Eden’s heart, their souls found rest.

God saw His work, declared it good,
Each creature, plant, and vast green wood.
From skies above to seas below,
His glory in creation showed.

Yet on the seventh day, He ceased,
From all His work, found perfect peace.
A holy rest, a blessed day,
In stillness, God’s own way to stay.

In Eden’s bounds, our parents dwelled,
With all they needed, hearts compelled.
To walk with God in evening’s breeze,
A life of joy, a time of ease.

Thus ends creation’s grand display,
A week of wonder, night and day.
And with the seventh day’s serene,
God’s rest completes the sacred scene.

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